Customer stories

Since 2014, we have been empowering organisations to grow their positive impact. We do this from the heart, through their employees. Over the past years, we have challenged thousands of employees across various organisations to take small but meaningful steps towards a sustainable life together. These challenges bring sustainability into the heads, hearts, and hands of your employees. All of a sudden, a global problem becomes manageable and a sustainable future achievable. But we are not done yet! Read how we have helped organisations involve their employees in their sustainability strategy and join us in making even more impact.


“We have been incredibly surprised by the enthusiasm and good tips from our colleagues. And will now continue working on various sustainable solutions.”

Gemeente Amsterdam

“Besides creating awareness, we also felt it was very important to lead by example. I was really surprised by the large number of participants.”


“It started out as a challenge for employees in The Netherlands but quickly generated interest around the world. More than 880 participants from 11 locations around the world i.e. New Zealand, Australia, China, Germany, Netherlands, UK, Ireland and USA joined the challenge!”


“Great to see how much impact you can make together and the value of open conversations around sustainability.”

Logo FrieslandCampina

“The challenge is a fun and effective way to work on sustainability. The positive effect is still being felt.”

Logo Vitens

“To achieve our mission, it is important for our employees to start thinking and acting sustainably.”

“We wanted to show that it is not that difficult to live in a more sustainable way. We have more than achieved that goal.”

Logo APG

“A very positive way to be involved with sustainability and it really activates as well.”

Logo FrieslandCampina
“2,000 employees worldwide passionately participated. That is an astonishing result that has exceeded my expectations.”

“In the run-up to our new sustainability strategy, we wanted to create awareness about important sustainability themes in a fun, playful way.”

“In addition to creating awareness, we also thought it was very important to lead by example. I was really surprised by the large number of participants. I knew people cared about sustainability, but it really surprised me how much.”

Logo Vitens

“A 6-week journey of discovery where you learn something new each week. We are very proud of the great participation and positive experiences.

Logo DSG

“Bij DSG speelt duurzaamheid een belangrijke rol in de bedrijfsstrategie. We willen hier graag zoveel mogelijk DSG medewerkers bij betrekken.”

“Een challenge om medewerkers te betrekken leek ons supergaaf. Nog gaver zou het zijn om dit samen met andere waterorganisaties te doen.”

“Het meest trots zijn we op het enthousiasme van de deelnemers. De Footprint community was een levendige bron van communicatie en informatie tussen de deelnemers.”

“Je merkt dat duurzaamheid nu veel meer leeft binnen de organisatie.”

“Wij willen onze verantwoordelijkheid nemen en deze uitdaging samen met medewerkers aangaan.”

“Tijdens de challenge hebben we culturele en geografische afstanden overbrugd door een onderwerp aan te pakken dat geen barrière kent; duurzaamheid.”

Schneider Electric logo

“A very nice way to create awareness through play.”

“By organising the HTH Footprint Challenge, we wanted to inspire students and employees with an innovative tool that encourages action and involvement. Together we have made a lot of impact.”

“Very inspiring challenge. I will definitely continue the actions in my daily life. Easy quick actions but they have a long lasting impact.”

Participant Danone

“HTH continues to surprise me with diverse and original programs. The Footprint Challenge taught me how to have a positive impact on the planet. The creative approach made it a lot of fun!”

Participant Hotelschool The Hague

“Well organised, inspiring, motivating, really one of the best organised programs I’ve come across at work. I am extremely proud of my employer for doing this!”

Daniek VodafoneZiggo

"Living greener sometimes seems really tough, but through this challenge we have learned that in addition to big steps, there are also plenty of small, simple steps you can take to do your part.”

Participant FrieslandCampina

“Fun assignments, good atmosphere and communication! It’s great that the challenge is divided into small steps and themes. II really enjoyed the input from the Footprint Coaches.”

Participant PBL

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