
Schneider Electric

“A very nice way to create awareness through play.”

Sustainability is central to Schneider Electric’s purpose, culture and operations. As world leaders in energy management, they have achieved incredible results over the past 15 years. But it’s not enough… Instead, now is the time to accelerate! Both in their professional and private lives, which is why we jointly organised the SE Footprint Challenge for colleagues in the Netherlands.

Together with Pim Loef, Juul Kleukers and Amber van Heinsbergen, we look back.

Pim Loef

Pim Loef

Sustainability Leader

Why did you organise the SE Footprint Challenge?

‘We organised the SE Footprint Challenge as part of our local sustainability initiatives. We were looking for an opportunity for employees to make an impact in their personal lives as well. This challenge allowed us to bring attention to the topic of sustainability in a new and creative way through a competition between different teams and locations.’

What did you hope to achieve?
‘To create even more awareness among our colleagues on a number of key sustainability themes, such as food, water and social sustainability, and through this provide the opportunity to make a positive impact.’

How did you personally feel about participating in the SE Footprint Challenge?

‘We really enjoyed participating in the SE Footprint Challenge. The information shared during the different topics was very valuable, but also the opportunity to share experiences with each other in the Footprint Community made us learn a lot about our own footprint.’

Juul Kleukers

Juul Kleukers
Digital Communications Specialist

‘We also recommended the Footprint Challenge to other organisations while the challenge was running at Schneider Electric.’

Amber van Heinsbergen

Amber van Heinsbergen
Digital Sales Professional

What has the SE Footprint Challenge meant for you as an organisation and for employees?

‘For Schneider Electric as an organisation, the topic of sustainability is an important part of our vision for the future and therefore our daily work. The Footprint Challenge has played a complementary role in this by giving this topic a stage outside our professional lives. The small but impactful Week Challenges and measuring your progress makes the challenge challenging, and we at Schneider Electric like that!’

What do you think of the result of the SE Footprint Challenge?

‘We are proud of the result! It has created more connection between colleagues.  But as far as we are concerned, this is the beginning. Now begins the period when we will make the actions from the challenge part of our lives and thus continue to reduce our footprint.’

What are you most proud of?
‘Achieving the result (~3000 m2 footprint reduction, 2900 actions done) and the competition and cooperation that emerged between the different teams and locations. 😊’

What do you think of the communication with us and the way we organised the challenge?

‘It was a relief that everything was well organised.  We really liked the contact with Laura & Miriam, the Footprint Coaches, and were pleased with the proactive attitude from the coaches. The process was well and tightly organised.  Also nice that they provided participants with feedback and tips in the community during the challenge. The meetings were well organised and perceived positively by the participants.’

Would you recommend other organizations to participate in a Footprint Challenge?

‘Absolutely! We have also already recommended the Footprint Challenge to other organisations while the challenge was running at Schneider Electric. It’s a very nice way to create awareness about sustainability in a playful way and how you can deal with this as an individual.’

‘I am really impressed by the enthusiasm and commitment of all the participants,’ he said.

Participant Schneider Electric

‘Great conversations arose about how each individual can contribute,’ he said.

Participant Schneider Electric

‘Fun team challenge to create more awareness and motivate each other.’

Participant Schneider Electric

‘I now think in a sustainable way and it has brought us closer together.’

Participant Schneider Electric

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